Wednesday, 5 December 2012

My book and other stuff

Earlier this year my first book was released. Its called Screening the Marquis de Sade: Pleasure, Pain and the Transgressive Body in Film. Its published by McFarland and can be bought online from most bookstores such as Amazon, Book Depository, Barnes and Noble, etc, as well as through McFarland.

Here's the rundown from the back cover: "Since their publication, the works of the Marquis de Sade have challenged the reading public with a philosophy of relentless physical transgression. This is the first book-length academic study by a single author that applies the philosophy of the Marquis de Sade to the analysis of a wide array of film texts. By employing Sade’s controversial body-oriented philosophy within film analysis, this book provides a new understanding of notions of pain, pleasure, and the representation of the transgressive body in film. Whereas many analyses have used theory to excuse and thus dilute the power of sexual and violent images, the author has here sought to examine cinematic representations of human relations as unflinchingly as Sade did in his novels."

You can buy the book from here: 

I also have a few articles online. Over at Senses of Cinema you can read my article "Whips and Bodies: The Sadean Cinematic Text". This is a pretty good intro into my work on de Sade and cinema. You can find it here:

In Bright Lights Film Journal I contributed an article on the John Waters film Pink Flamingos, titled "Monster Queen: The Trangressive Body of Divine in Pink Flamingos". Read it here:

I also had an article included in the journal Asian Cinema called " '100% Sadist': Violence Is Sex in Takashi Miike's Ichi the Killer". You can access it from here:,id=12785/

I wrote a chapter on torture porn horror films, "Genre Cinema as Trauma Cinema: Post 9/11 Trauma and the Rise of 'Torture Porn' in Recent Horror Films", for the book Trauma, Media, Art: New Perspectives. The book was published in 2010 through Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

I've been working on a few new articles, one for a book and one for a journal, but I'll let you know more about them when they come out.

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