Wednesday 5 December 2012

The Hydey

Back in 2010 a group of friends and I got together to make a short film about The Hyde Park Hotel, a place that all of us had frequented for many years. Originally The Hydey was an independently owned pub, but in 2007 it was bought by Woolworths. We wanted to document the local bands and musicians that played there, as well as explore how the place had changed since its purchase by a corporation.

We received a grant to make the film, but one of the conditions was that the film be no longer than 7 minutes. Once we began working on the project it became clear that 7 minutes was not enough time to do the subject justice. We've been working on an extended version (which is taking quite a long time since life and work keep getting in the way!) but hopefully the longer version will see the light of day early next year.

The short was screened at a Town of Vincent event in February 2011, and then we were lucky enough to be chosen to screen at the 2011 Revelation Perth International Film Festival. After those screenings we decided to throw the film up on youtube.

More details about the extended version will be made available as we get our act together! The editor, Carl Anthonisz, and I have begun the somewhat daunting task of going through all the interviews and footage and will hopefully whip it into shape by February.

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